Monday, September 21, 2009


Baby Foster has accomplished so many milestones this week. It's like witnessing tiny little miracles. Since I was distracted with moving and buying a house when Bailey was this age I didn't notice these little miracles in real time as much as I do with Foster. It's all so bitter sweet though, knowing he's our last baby. All within the past 10 days Foster has:
Discovered his hands
Found his feet
Smiles and excites at our voices
Coos back at us in conversation
Can get fist to mouth
Pulls blanket to mouth for chewing
Holds paci in mouth with fist and arms
And is beginning to be entertained by toys

My favorite "miracle" is the cooing and ear-to-ear toothless grin when we talk to him. It completely melts my heart. There is no feeling that compares with that pure, innocent joy that radiates from his cute little face. I'm enjoying that innocence now before Bailey corrupts him. The other thing I'm enjoying while it lasts is that we can take him just about anywhere. We just pop him in the sling and go. We are taking him to a Beer Brewers meeting this weekend. He's real good in public and gets a lot of attention, especially if Jeremy holds him. In fact, Foster is a complete "chick-magnet" for Jeremy. The women swarm to see the little baby in the sack. I think in SC it must be a novel idea for a man to carry around a baby. You know Jeremy doesn't mind. My only thought is how proud I am to say "Yep, they're mine!" Bailey sure does get her share of attention with those bouncy curls too.
My big milestone this week is that I have secured a venue to hold my BabySigns workshops. I'm FINALLY going to teach my first class (if people sign up) in November. I'm excited and nervous of course, but mostly I'm anxious to see if I can make enough profit to keep it going and to find out if I actually enjoy it. We will see. I'm not sure which is scarier, failure to succeed or succeed and have to commit. Either way I've got to try or I'll never know, right? Just like the kids; I've got to keep hitting those milestones.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Blog

Okay, so Aunt Pat also put the suggestion to me to start a blog but Kristy starting one actually inspired me to get my butt in gear and do it. It was a lot easier to start than I thought. I won't be blogging everyday but I'll be giving updates mostly on the kids for family and friends who are interested. This is a good way for me to keep a journal on the family happenings that the kids may or may not be interested in having when they are older. I've never blogged before so sorry if I sound rusty. Feel free to give suggestions.
Right now I feel like one of the luckiest parents in the world. Foster has been sleeping through the night for over a week, and though I know it won't be consistently this way, I do believe he will be like his sister and be a good sleeper. Parents always ask me how I do it and honestly I think it's a lot of lucky and a little mean. Mean because I let them cry. But that's life right? Suck it up! I think that's my parenting motto. "Suck it up because I have no patience and you need to toughen up for life. So what if you're only two months old!"

"Awww, he's smiling at me. How cute. Okay, I'll hold you." (snuggle, snuggle) So much for being mean.

Bailey, my toddler spawnling, has taken to being a big sister like a trooper. She loves talking about her brother.....and about kids, and cake, and Xander, and Christmas, and playschool, and...... She just LOVES to talk. I would say it's cute but it's not. It's more annoying than anything. That's probably because I spend almost every waking moment with her, and she doesn't say anything interesting. Yet. Though she is funny sometimes. Just yesterday I asked her if she farted and she bent over, stuck her butt in my face and said, "No, it's all gone. See!"

I'll get some pictures up soon.