Okay so I know it's been months since my last post. I have been so far behind on all kinds of things as well as communicating with family and friends. Ever since we moved to Denver I feel like my life has been a crazy whirlwind. It hasn't been all exciting, just busy. I also finally got to catch up on three months worth of posts on Kristy's blog. So while Foster is sleeping and Bailey is watching cartoons I'm going to give a little update.
Bailey- She's now in pre-school half days, five days a week. She loves it and gets to do lots of art projects. On Wednesdays she has a ballet/jazz class for an hour. There will be a dance recital sometime in June. On Thursdays I take her and Foster to a playdate with other mom's in base housing. We do a craft with the kids, gossip and drink coffee. In her free time Bailey likes to play with the neighbor's kids, play video games, watch movies, and eat snacks. I've now got enough confidence to allow her to play outside with the kids without my constant supervision. She's only allowed in our next door neighbor's house, the driveway, backyard, or playground. I just check on her every 15 minutes. Of course none of this would work so well if we didn't live on base. And it helps that I know almost all the kids, where they live, and who their parents are. I've become so close to my neighbor that we babysit for each other for free so that we can have a date nights.
Foster- There is always something new going on with him. He never stops eating. His favorite new word is "snack". He can only say a few words (that I understand), but he understands almost everything I ask him and answers with a yes or no shake of the head. He now tells me when he has a dirty diaper, usually when he has a cloth diaper on. I'm going to introduce him to the potty after the holidays. He's curious and dangerous. He loves to climb furniture, jump off furniture, and fall off furniture. Even when he hurts himself and gets back up and does it again. He may be little but he's agile and strong. He gets into every cabinet, drawer, and electronic device in the house. It's been a little manageable until recently, because he can now open doors. And every time I get on to him for something he smiles and gives me a hug (little manipulator). Trouble, trouble, and too clever for his own good. As fast, fearless, and stubborn as he is, he still is so affectionate and quick to give hugs and kisses, especially to his sister. It has become close to impossible to take him anywhere anymore. At the store he just wants to run around. If I put him in the cart he just screams and cries. At the restaurant he throws his food and fusses in the highchair because he wants to get down and explore. Oh well. He's really fun though, and there isn't a day that goes by when he doesn't make me laugh at least once. He also has this fascination with the toilet the last few days and I constantly have found him playing in it. Yuck!
Jeremy- The job he came here to do has changed a few times and he almost had to be reassigned. But it looks like they are able to use him in other ways and he now has work to do. He's been gone TDY (training) at least half the time since we moved here. His schedule is better now and can now be home for all three meals and holidays. He's brewing beer again and recently made his best one yet (in my opinion).
Me- I've been busy with the kids and house. There hasn't been much time for else. I feel like all I do is clean and the house always seems like a mess! Foster keeps me busy by me keeping him out of trouble. I did buy a snowboard but haven't got a chance to go to the resorts yet. I'd have to find someone to go with me because Jeremy would have to stay home with the kids all day. I was running regularly but a string of sicknesses since October has thrown a wrench in my energy. I did run my first 10 miler back in September with excellent results. Hopefully I can get back to that soon. I take the kids to the zoo once a month and usually meet up with an old friend from Up with People there. As a family we are planning a Disney Cruise for April. There are a lot preparations, as you can image with 20 month old, which is exciting and nerve racking at the same time. Now with Christmas around the corner I'm just trying to get it all the shopping and shipping done in time. Doesn't look like I'm going to make it this time. Sorry everybody. Time is relative these days, right?