Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Magic

I was making Bailey practice her writing yesterday, which I haven't done in a while. She gets so frustrated if it's not perfect and always starts to whine and cry. When I told her to just do the best she can she tells me "Mom, I'm only four! I need to get bigger first!" Ha! So dramatic.

Foster has taken to hiding our stuff in the couch and chair cushions. Today we found the TV remote, a sippy cup, my cell phone case, and Jeremy's watch. He also has taken to hitting and throwing heavy objects at people. I recently took a sippy cup to the eye. Ouch. We've started putting him in time-out but I can tell already he's going to be a challenge to discipline. He doesn't take his parents very seriously. It's so hard to stay stern with him smiling and hugging you and saying "Mommy".

It's going to be a quieter Christmas this year. It's just the four of us for Christmas day but we are excited about skyping with the family. Christmas eve we'll have our neighbors over for a ham dinner. I wish there was snow but it doesn't look like that's going to happen so we may even drive up to the mountains for a little snowball fight. I can't wait to watch the kids open their gifts. I probably went a little overboard but I just found so many things that I thought they'd like this year.

Ahhh, the magic of Christmas. One of Bailey's friends has been raised to believe that there is no Santa Claus. He told Bailey that Santa wasn't real. It didn't phase her though. She even asked how Santa was getting into the house since we didn't have a fireplace anymore. I told her he'll just come through the door. In a world that is obsessed with reality I fully intend to fill my kids heads with dilutions of elves, flying reindeer, giant egg-hiding bunnies, and tooth fairies. I see absolutely nothing wrong with feeding the fantasy. Some people may call it lying but I think it's just creating a magical world full of fun and happiness. Kids figure it all out on their own with time and aren't damaged by discovering truth. At least I never was. I was grateful for all those stories and memories. I'm thankful for my parents putting the effort into keeping that magic alive for us. It's tradition; it's building imaginations; it's just plain fun. That "little kid magic" is only alive for such a brief period of time in our lives. I plan on enjoying it with kids a second time around.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Overdue Update

Okay so I know it's been months since my last post. I have been so far behind on all kinds of things as well as communicating with family and friends. Ever since we moved to Denver I feel like my life has been a crazy whirlwind. It hasn't been all exciting, just busy. I also finally got to catch up on three months worth of posts on Kristy's blog. So while Foster is sleeping and Bailey is watching cartoons I'm going to give a little update.

Bailey- She's now in pre-school half days, five days a week. She loves it and gets to do lots of art projects. On Wednesdays she has a ballet/jazz class for an hour. There will be a dance recital sometime in June. On Thursdays I take her and Foster to a playdate with other mom's in base housing. We do a craft with the kids, gossip and drink coffee. In her free time Bailey likes to play with the neighbor's kids, play video games, watch movies, and eat snacks. I've now got enough confidence to allow her to play outside with the kids without my constant supervision. She's only allowed in our next door neighbor's house, the driveway, backyard, or playground. I just check on her every 15 minutes. Of course none of this would work so well if we didn't live on base. And it helps that I know almost all the kids, where they live, and who their parents are. I've become so close to my neighbor that we babysit for each other for free so that we can have a date nights.

Foster- There is always something new going on with him. He never stops eating. His favorite new word is "snack". He can only say a few words (that I understand), but he understands almost everything I ask him and answers with a yes or no shake of the head. He now tells me when he has a dirty diaper, usually when he has a cloth diaper on. I'm going to introduce him to the potty after the holidays. He's curious and dangerous. He loves to climb furniture, jump off furniture, and fall off furniture. Even when he hurts himself and gets back up and does it again. He may be little but he's agile and strong. He gets into every cabinet, drawer, and electronic device in the house. It's been a little manageable until recently, because he can now open doors. And every time I get on to him for something he smiles and gives me a hug (little manipulator). Trouble, trouble, and too clever for his own good. As fast, fearless, and stubborn as he is, he still is so affectionate and quick to give hugs and kisses, especially to his sister. It has become close to impossible to take him anywhere anymore. At the store he just wants to run around. If I put him in the cart he just screams and cries. At the restaurant he throws his food and fusses in the highchair because he wants to get down and explore. Oh well. He's really fun though, and there isn't a day that goes by when he doesn't make me laugh at least once. He also has this fascination with the toilet the last few days and I constantly have found him playing in it. Yuck!

Jeremy- The job he came here to do has changed a few times and he almost had to be reassigned. But it looks like they are able to use him in other ways and he now has work to do. He's been gone TDY (training) at least half the time since we moved here. His schedule is better now and can now be home for all three meals and holidays. He's brewing beer again and recently made his best one yet (in my opinion).

Me- I've been busy with the kids and house. There hasn't been much time for else. I feel like all I do is clean and the house always seems like a mess! Foster keeps me busy by me keeping him out of trouble. I did buy a snowboard but haven't got a chance to go to the resorts yet. I'd have to find someone to go with me because Jeremy would have to stay home with the kids all day. I was running regularly but a string of sicknesses since October has thrown a wrench in my energy. I did run my first 10 miler back in September with excellent results. Hopefully I can get back to that soon. I take the kids to the zoo once a month and usually meet up with an old friend from Up with People there. As a family we are planning a Disney Cruise for April. There are a lot preparations, as you can image with 20 month old, which is exciting and nerve racking at the same time. Now with Christmas around the corner I'm just trying to get it all the shopping and shipping done in time. Doesn't look like I'm going to make it this time. Sorry everybody. Time is relative these days, right?

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Why is it that every time I buy something for Bailey, Foster ends up taking it over? I bought Bailey a pair of Tinkerbell pom pom slippers, she's going to be Tinkerbell for Halloween, and Foster snatched them right up to wear on his hands and crawl on the floor with. In fact he does that with all of our shoes. He loves to put them on his hands, no matter what size, and then walk on his hands. Bailey doesn't seem to mind though. She has just as much a fascination with his toys. They might as well trade completely. I don't know what these toy makers were thinking when they decided on the audience for each toy, but from my point of view they got it all wrong.

Bailey and Foster couldn't be more brother-sister right now. He loves to pull wads of her hair out. She loves to make him laugh. And they both love squealing and rolling all over each other. Bailey has turned out to be more patient than I could imagine, especially when Foster is clawing at her eyes and face. The only thing she can't stand is when he's getting more attention or more snack than her. I have had them sleeping in the same room together but last night I let Bailey sleep in the guest bedroom. Foster has been getting up around 5:30 a.m. and Bailey has been lacking in sleep. She usually needs a good 11 hours a night. Foster seems to only need about 9 hours. I'm trying to cut back on his naps to only one 2 hour nap a day. Hopefully that will help.

As far as living here on base, the kids and I couldn't be happier. They have made so many friends. With two kids (ages 4 and 6) next door, a 4 year old girl two doors down, and a multitude of kids on our circle, there isn't a lack of playmates. I take the kids to a playdate once a week at our community center, but most of the time we just go outside, sit in the driveway with the garage open and the music playing and the kids just flock to our house. Most of the kids here have free rein to the neighborhood but I can't quite trust Bailey to do the same. She's not familiar with her surroundings just yet or with listening to my directions to stay in the yard no matter where the other kids are going. She's a crowd follower. She thinks everyone would be pleased to have her tag along. Of course she's finding out real quick that most boys only two years older than her find 4 year old girls to be uncool. I'm making lots of friends too. I've made more friends here in 4 weeks than I did in 4 years at Charleston. It's a good thing too because Jeremy is going to be TDY a lot from now until Thanksgiving. The only thing to do now is find a great babysitter for the kids so Jeremy and I can have our playdates.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Surgery, Company, Tampa Wedding, and House for Rent

No doubt it's been a long time since my last update. With so much going on it's hard to keep up with things like blogs, facebook, or even picture taking. Here is a quick update on the family happenings and the Menglings progresses.

I drove to Destin with the kids leaving Jeremy behind and stayed with my mom along with Erik and Kristy and their kids. While my family helped take care of the kids I had an abdominoplasty. My abdominals that had been pulled apart and skin stretched to excess due to having extra large pregnancies needed to be repaired. I won't sugar coat it; it was a very difficult and painful recovery. But my family was so supportive and I was able to heal right on time and with no complications. It was totally worth it and I couldn't be any happier over my new belly.
Bailey had a slight set back in her behavior and reverted to a two year old, tantrums and all. But I bought a discipline book called "1-2-3 Magic" and we now have her back under control. It's an awesome tool for anyone who is having trouble with a child's annoying behaviors (whining, talking back, arguing, and fussing). It works great for meal times too which have also been troublesome for us. Foster started signing while we were in Destin and even said a few words mimicking me, like "all done".

I slowly regained my strength and routine back at the house in Charleston. Molly came to visit for a few days and we had a great time walking around downtown and playing with the kids. Foster started walking and Molly was there to witness his first steps. He is so proud of himself but can still get around faster by crawling. Even though Bailey's Birthday was June 1st we celebrated on her last day of YMCA playschool with a huge Tinkerbell cake and her playmates. When they are 3 and 4 years old it's not so much about the presents, it's all about the cake. It was sad to say good-bye but for the month of June she was ready to start a real pre-school for the summer.

The first week of June we had the Bryants come stay with us for a visit. It was so nice to have company to do the things I like to do with the kids. We went the water park, the beach, the playground, and Michelle and I even had a night out at the local piano bar. It was a great time. Even though Morgan is 7 years old he had fun playing with Bailey. And of course Bailey followed him around like a puppy.
We also started showing the house for possible renters. This has become a challenge since I have to keep the house cleared of clutter and clean at all times. The realtors just call up and say they want to show the house, then I run around picking up everything, gather the kids, get in the car and leave for a while. It's still not rented. Not because they don't like the house but because they are worried about the neighborhood. I admit are neighborhood looks a little rough around the edges, but we have never encountered any crime or issues in the four years we've been here. Oh well, I'm still not worried though. It will get rented. We've also encountered an issue with our brand new floor which will have to be replaced again. Reason is still to be determined.
Then our most recent event was going to Tampa for Ricci and Steve's wedding. It was an event that started on Wednesday for me and we all made it home exhausted but in one piece on Sunday. I was the maid of honor and did my duty as well as I could even though my hangover from Wednesday night lasted until Monday. And the bachelorette party wasn't even until Thursday night. Ricci was a beautiful bride and so gracious and hospitable. Bailey was the cutest flower girl ever. When she threw those petals down it was with such power and determination she had everyone giggling. It was a family reunion for me as well with my cousin Heather, aunt Pat, mom, brother and his family. I even got to see my old friend John. Lovely, it was all so lovely. I just wish I could have had more time with them all. But I treasure all the quality time I was able to have with Ricci.

Now Foster is starting to walk more than crawl and he is so very playful. He loves to be thrown in the air and tossed on the bean bag. In the water he's fearless and will dive right in, not minding his face getting wet. His eating is very advanced, in fact he eats more than Bailey. He still loves his bottle and he won't drink it unless it's warm. He also has a paci he has become attached to and can't sleep without it. Sound familiar? Recently we have noticed a heightened awareness in him and ability to understand commands as well as words such as foods, diaper change, bath, or sleepy time. Bailey has also recently turned a corner in maturity. Her sentences are more complete and her understanding of conversations, directions, and social norms have become more complex. She can act like such a little lady sometimes. Though she tends to get jealous of the attention Foster gets, she still plays with him constantly and keeps him out of trouble. As for Jeremy and I, we have been busy getting ready for our move. We've made a lot of little repairs and touch ups as well as drop offs to goodwill. Then there is planning the trip itself. So much to do! I better get off this computer and get back to it.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wow, so a lot has happened since my last post. The house took a couple of weeks to finish but it's finally done. We now have new hard floors, carpets, and fresh paint on the walls. Bailey has been moved to the back room which we transformed into her very own fairy princess chambers. I would love to do more with it but we just found out that we are moving. We got our orders to Buckley AFB outside of Denver Colorado and we are leaving around July 7th. At least the house is all ready to be rented out. Good news is, Jeremy doesn't have to deploy to Iraq now.

I am happy to be leaving South Carolina but I'm also disappointed we didn't get stationed in Florida. Now we will be even farther away from family and friends. I have to say, I had my hopes up for MacDill AFB in Tampa. But I'm starting to get excited because I know Denver has so much to offer. I also know a few people there already. I just have to keep a positive outlook.

Things I'm looking forward to in Denver:
Seeing my Up with People friends
Fresh air
Outdoor activities: snowboarding, horseback riding, rafting, hiking, sledding, camping...
Grocery stores with fresh whole foods and organics
Nice, open-minded people
Professional sports teams
Theaters with live performances
Cowboys (What? Eye candy)
Businesses that use 21st century technology
Coffee houses
Less frizz in my hair
Shopping for new (mountain) clothes
Things I'm not looking forward to in Denver:
Being so far from my family
Snow in my driveway
Driving in snow
Snow gear
Cold until May
Snow in March
...You get the picture

I have a feeling Bailey will take the move easy enough. She has to start pre-school this fall anyway, so she's up for big changes this year. She's also young enough to not have developed any strong friendships. I am going to miss this house though. So many memories have been made here. I wonder if Bailey will remember this place. I think so. Foster won't care of course but he's going to hate the drive all the way to Colorado. At least by then he can face front and watch movies with Bailey.

In other news:
I ran, I conquered, I got over it! I completed the Cooper River Bridge 10k (my first 10k) in 1 hr. 10 min. I surprised myself by running the whole way without stop, even up the very steep bridge. I could hardly move my knees the next day, but overall it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It was fun.

I just recently was pulled over and given $450 worth of tickets. I haven't been pulled over in 10 years. Well I didn't have my registration sticker on my plate which in S.C. that also means I hadn't paid my property tax either (2 tickets for that). Then the officer told me that Bailey wasn't in the correct car seat by S.C. law (1 more ticket). I was able to sort out the registration and property tax quickly enough because I had paid on time, I just didn't realize that I never got my sticker through the mail. But the car seat thing is an issue. Bailey is too big for her convertible car seat so I thought the next step was a booster seat. Come to find out she's suppose to be in a harnessed booster seat until she reaches 40 lbs. even though the seat belt booster she's in right now is for 30 lbs. and up. Bailey is about 35 lbs. and almost 40 inches tall. Now I have to find a booster seat with a five point harness that has straps high enough to go over her shoulders. yeah. But whatever is safest for my babies I guess. I didn't realize (according to the officer) that I was putting my daughter in fatal danger and if I had been in an accident she would be killed. We have come a long way in safety; from no safety seats when I was little, to now four different stages of car seats.

Mengling update:
Foster has eight teeth and he can bite like a beaver. He's cruising all over the house and will even stand one handed. My guess is that he'll be walking on his own some time before April ends. Foster is still a very easy, happy baby but he now has a little separation anxiety and wants Bailey near him at all times. Bailey has been testing us lately with acting out, talking back, and giving a whole lot of attitude. She's gotten in the habit of whining and crying for everything we say no to and sometimes full blown 2 year old fits. Her play-school counselors think it might have to do with a few other girls in her group that regularly act like that. I have enforced a no-tolerance to whining policy and have seen good results after many time-outs, restrictions, and an occasional spanking. I just have to stay on top of her constantly or she'll start getting out of control. It's a daily battle but hopefully just another stage my spit-fire mengling will get past. I think her diet is something I'm seriously considering. I'll talk to a doctor about it after we get settled in Denver.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I know... another throw-up post

Bailey threw-up this morning. It all started around 4:45 a.m. when Jeremy was up taking his shower. After she made a mess in her bed, which was very small, I brought her in my bed hoping she would go back to sleep, but no. She stayed awake wiggling around as usual. Then she threw-up all over my bed and me. Yuck! I really don't handle throw-up very well. I rarely throw-up myself and I've been lucky enough to never have dealt with Bailey's before. When I see it, hear it, smell it, it makes me gag and I have to do breathing exercises in order to keep my stomach from turning. I know it's a requirement to deal with these disgusting bodily functions when you are a parent, and I have dealt with my share of spit-up. But every parent knows, spit-up and throw-up are two different things. Bailey feels fine though; I don't think she has a virus. It's probably due to the drainage from her allergies.

Foster's two front top teeth are now poking through. He now has four teeth and he likes to grind them together which drives me crazy. He teethes so fast that he'll only have a day of pain and crankiness and the next day the teeth will show. Got lucky with that one. He's crawling all over the place and getting into everything he can reach. I have to chase him and redirect him constantly. Something I never had to do with Bailey (spud). Fascinated with Koa's water bowl, he's constantly dumping it over and soaking himself. He can't quite pull himself up to standing yet but he's almost there. He loves being near his sister and will follow her to what ever room she's in. Foster also loves toys and he'll even laugh or giggle at himself when playing with them. I'm just glad he can entertain himself easily. Foster has become Bailey's new toy and they do play well together, even alone sometimes, if I can keep her from taking all the toys away from him. I love how she says "I love my baby!" She's so proud to be a big sister, but she's already taken to bossing him around. I have to remind her that I'm the Mommy not her. Now that she's becoming a pre-schooler I've been trying to find ways to give her more responsibility around the house. She helps me cook (mixing and such), put dishes away, clothes away, and will even pick up Foster's messes. I know this won't last forever so I'm taking advantage of her helpfulness while I can. My only wish right now is that it warms up so we can spend more time outside. It's been so cold for so long. Okay I have two wishes; the other being that this battle with our insurance resolve so we can get on with the repairs to our house. I'm tired of our bedroom and hallway looking like a demolition site.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

White Powder

Okay, could the past two weeks get any more bizarre? I'm sure it could be worse, it can always be worse. After we finally got our new water heater installed we very excitedly used it by taking showers and washing clothes only to find more water pooling up in the bedroom the very next morning. I had to call the plumber back who realized that we had a slab leak. Evidently the pipes under our house have sprung leaks and all the plumbing in our house needed to be rerouted. Of course I called our insurance, who wasn't interested in getting a hold of me back very quickly, who called a restoration specialist out to start the drying process. While trying to communicate with our insurance man, trying to get a quote from our first plumber, and getting an estimate from a second plumber, our restoration company is pulling up our flooring, tearing up a wall, and plugging in 4 dryers and two dehumidifiers. For days we had to endure the noise from these machines which literally will drive you slowly insane. It must have drove Jeremy insane because he was even willing to go to the park with me and the kids. I know, crazy right?!

Then the snow came. Yes, I said snow. This one will go down in the record books for sure. Friday night it started snowing, and it snowed enough before Bailey went to bed that we went outside and had a snowball fight, followed by hot chocolate. I didn't think it would last the night but I was wrong. We woke up to a winter wonderland! Three to four inches of powdery white snow covered the whole neighborhood. It really felt like a miracle. Part of what made this all feel so magical was Bailey's Christmas wish. When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas she said "snow." I told her that I didn't think it was going to be possible. Well it looks like Santa came through, he was just a little late, but he came through. Joy!

Then the plumbers came. They dug up our yard, cut at least 10 holes in our drywall, and a foot accidentally fell through our ceiling, but it's finally done. Our house looks like a total wreck and the beautiful guest bathroom walls with the faux paint is ruined. With the amount of instillation, dry wall, and dirt on the floors, poor Foster has been banished to his room most the time. His room being the only room not effected, yet. Now we still need the wall patches to be painted, all of our floors ripped up (except the tile), and new flooring put in. To top off this craziness, Jeremy is having a surgical procedure to reroute his "plumbing" on Friday. So I can forget getting a break or even getting help when it comes to the house and the Menglings this weekend. I'm not bitter.... really. At least I don't have to worry about us repopulating the earth anymore.
As the dry wall dust is settling all over the house, and in my eyes, I ponder the future of our restoration process. "What will our new floors look like? We finally get a chance to re-carpet the bedrooms. I hope the kids and the dog don't ruin it before we move. I don't think I'll clean the house until all this is done with. Will they be able to repaint the bathroom the way it was? I can't even remember the name of the color. It is going to be such a pain when they have to move all the furniture around. Will I have to be here, alone, with the kids, again?" All of these thoughts are leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Or that could just be the dry wall dust.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Last weekend I took a little mini-vacation away from the family and flew to Miami to see my friend Sam. No, I didn't know the Superbowl was going to be there that weekend. American Airlines started non-stop flights to Miami just this last fall and I used my credit card points to buy the ticket, so getting there was a breeze. Jeremy took over kid and house duty while I had a little adult fun. There's nothing like a little all night dancing and drinking to make you realize how old you've gotten. I don't mean just age either. Having children and no babysitter or family to help can age you a few years too. I still woke up by 8 a.m. because of habit, but at least I got to just lay there in her snugly, quiet bed. I have to say, though dancing and kicking ass at playing pool was fun, my highlight was all the great food. Sam took me to eat Peruvian, Caribbean, and Cuban food. Not only was it some of the best food I've ever eaten, but I got to slowly enjoy it without the distractions of my own children. These places were cheap too, and thank god for Sam who spoke Spanish and could order for us, because I had no clue. We spent the day in South Beach on Friday. The driving there was absolute culture shock. People drove with no road rules, everyone honking and driving over all lanes. The pedestrians were just as bad. We almost hit an old man with a walker crossing the middle of the street, in the middle of crazy traffic. He didn't even pause. Just walked right into the street (not at a crosswalk). Saturday we spent most of the day visiting with Sam's friends and family who I haven't seen in a long time. It was such a nice visit that I was sad to go but also ready to hug my kids again. I made it home just in time to watch the Superbowl on T.V.
Of course life isn't without balance, so when I got home I was faced to deal with a broken water heater. By Monday water had soaked our bedroom and closet floor. Between being on the phone with the water heater people, the plumber, and our laundry room door falling on Bailey, I managed to loose the water heater manual. For some reason the company seemed to think I could diagnose this issue on my own. I never got the instructions they said they would e-mail, and I had to knock out more drywall to get the screw driver in to take off the electric panels, only to find out I can just shut off the breaker instead. We are now going on day 2 without hot water and I haven't showered since Sunday morning. Eww! As soon as Jeremy gets home I'm going to the YMCA to workout and shower. I never did find that manual that I did have in my hand for an hour before I lost it. Jeremy and I traced every step I took around the house with no luck. It's so bizarre and it absolutely is driving me insane! It can't just disappear! Doesn't matter now. Plumber dude is going to have to replace it anyway even though it's only three years old (still under warranty thank god). We should have a new one by tomorrow. Should. Back to old school boiling water for the dishes and Foster's bath. Foster was so cute bathing in the kitchen sink. At least we will save a little on our water bill.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Invasion of the Toy Snatchers

Now that Foster is mobile it is time for me to start child proofing more areas of the house. Yesterday I took out all of the non-safe-to-baby toys out of the playroom and put them in Bailey's room. I also bought a few containers for her smaller choke hazard toys (jewelry and Barbie accessories) so that she could find these things easier. Now the playroom has more to offer for Foster, so today I decided to let him try it out. I put Bailey in the kitchen with her lunch while I observed Foster discover a whole new world. He went straight away pulling new and exciting toys out of buckets, tasting each one for authenticity, deciding their fate of chewablity. As Foster conquered his new world the natives grew restless. Bailey, envisioning the ruin of her beloved things, came rushing in to see for herself. "I need to give you a kiss, Mommy." I allow this excuse but send her right back to the kitchen. She quickly discovered the toys in Fosters clutches and worry overcame her. Instinct told her to quickly snatch the toy to safety. Her beloved baby brother was no longer cute and fun. He is officially a grabby, drooly, toy eating monster. "Mommy, he's eating it!" I always knew this day would come, but I also know that it's only going to get more complicated the older Foster gets. Pretty soon he will be storming Bailey's room and trying on all her jewelry and princess clothes. Then again Bailey might not mind having a playmate that likes to be a princess too. Bailey has NEVER taken much interest in her toys, ever. She prefers to spend her time following me around, forcing me to listen to her endless chatter. Unless of course someone else wants to play with her toys, then she's interested. Or maybe more concerned that they will have more fun with them. This can be good and bad. Now that Foster is playing with the toys, Bailey will play "with" him. But more like take all the toys from him and play with them in front of his face. It's a process. At least she's paying attention to the toys... and Foster. Pretty soon Foster will be able to snatch back and that's when the real fun begins. This vision of the future makes me even more motivated to find a pre-school for Bailey this fall. They will need space apart, and so will I. Jeremy and I have also talked about the room arrangement for the kids once Foster starts walking. I don't think they will be able to share a room. Not if I want them to get any sleep and for me to keep my sanity. I guess Foster will just have to keep sharing his room with all our office stuff. Unless he is able to climb out of his crib before we move. Then I might have to rearrange the whole house. Someday, probably around 2 years old, he'll need his own room with all his own boy toys. We should be in a new house by then, and I'll have to give up my guest room/office/craft room. That's okay with me as long as I can separate the kids and say, "Go to your room and stay there! You will have fun and play with your own toys! Mommy needs a time out."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kids, Clothes, and Hair

Foster is officially crawling now. I can't leave him alone for one minute. He's into everything. At least he is still interested in baby toys, but he also fancies anything with straps. Bailey is a good sport about keeping him entertained and Foster squeals with delight every time she talks to him. Foster has always been easy to keep happy. There isn't much he doesn't like. Except maybe food. He doesn't hate it but he's not crazy about it either. Baby food does not keep his interest and it can be frustrating to feed him, but at the same time he could care less if we skip his meals, so that's okay with me. I'm not worried because he's still growing like crazy. Not even 7 months old yet and he's in 9 month old clothes. Jeremy and I are having so much fun with Foster that we practically fight over his attention. I encourage the "boy-time" as much as possible though. We just got the bad news that Jeremy is deploying again for 6 months in September. Foster will have to get to know him again when Jeremy gets back. I'm sure the separation will be hard on Bailey but I'm hopeful that we will be able to see Jeremy through Skype on a regular basis.
With this news I can at least plan what I'm going to be doing for the next year. I know we will be here for another year so we don't have to sell the house yet. I've got to start looking for pre-schools for Bailey. I can't believe she'll be 4 years old this summer. I should be getting my abdominal surgery this summer if all works out. Then I'd like to go back to work part-time after Jeremy leaves. Those are the big plans. We also have Ricci's wedding to go to in June where I'll be a bridesmaid and Bailey is the flower girl. We are so excited! Bailey tried on a flower girl dress today and completely fell in love with it. We didn't buy it so I had to bribe her with ice cream in order to leave before the meltdown got out of control. Ice cream beats dress... for today. I just love shopping for kids clothes. I get most of their clothes second-hand. I paid $24 for 3 shirts, two shorts, and one skirt. They grow out of clothes much faster than they wear out so why pay full price for new. I feel the same way about my own clothes. Half of my wardrobe is from Goodwill. My size and shape has changed so often over the last five years that it would be a waste if I bought new clothes in four different sizes to only wear them for a few months at a time. Plus this way I can change my look more often. Just like I've been changing my hair color. Bailey said to me, "Mommy, your hair is silly." It made me smile. Then she said to me a few weeks later, "Mommy, I want pink hair." All in good time sweetie. You'll have your day too.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Make me Gag!

Gag! It finally happened. I always knew this day would come. I've heard all the stories. Jeremy and his little sister. It happened to some friend's of mine. Today it happened to me. Foster loves to hang upside down and be swung in the air. Today I was doing just that and getting my daily arm exercises in, when Foster so suddenly pukes into my open smiling mouth. Warm, acidy, soy-milk formula in my mouth and down my neck. Uck! I grab a rag and spit. I then put my laughing, smiling baby down as I gag and try my hardest not to throw up from the lingering taste and smell. Quickly I pick up my coffee and take huge swigs to wash away the disgusting pukness that is overwhelming me. Okay, it's gone now. Time to change. Foster, I'll get you back one of these days!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas 2009: Powered by Coffee

Well now that the craziness of the holidays are over it's time to find our routine again. I can now get back to my blog and update on the household happenings. Thanksgiving and Christmas were a big success. I say that like we were putting on a major production and that is exactly what it was. But I love it. I love the menu planning, the activity scheduling, the decorating, and of course the entertaining. Bailey makes it all the more exciting too. She LOVES Christmas, and takes every opportunity to tell you how much she loves it. When we got the Christmas tree (three weeks before Christmas) she hugged the tree and said "I love you tree." For a whole month I had to explain to Bailey that it wasn't Christmas yet. She got to visit Santa for the first time at the mall and I have to say I'm glad I didn't take her before. We had to wait in line for a long time, and pay $17.00 for two little pictures (this being the cheapest available). She wouldn't have cared or even understood the hype before. But now she totally gets it and all the traditions that go along with the holidays.
This year we had Erik and Kristy bring the boys over for Christmas and my mom was able to make it by dinner. For a few hours Aunt Pat even made it up before Christmas to finally see our house. We had already spent Thanksgiving at her place in Tallahassee where we ate lots, drank lots, and crashed hard. We had to cram the whole holiday into one day. It was Thanksgiving on steroids. But it was nice to have my mom and Aunt Pat around to hold the babies. Christmas was a little more drawn out. Jeremy set the scene with the ashy foot steps coming out of the fireplace. Once again the kids were overwhelmed with gifts, goodies, and lots of wrapping paper. It's all worth it though and it's just one of those few times of the year where we just let them go at their own crazy and sometimes testy pace. The babies were fighting colds and teething so there was plenty of fussiness to go around. The kids wouldn't let us sleep much so coffee was our main life force. I think the whole month of December could have been sponsored by coffee brands in our household. But the babies are only babies for so long. Hopefully they will sleep better next year. Nick was already crawling but frustrated with his lack of being able to go where ever he wanted; mainly to floor cords for chewing on. Foster isn't quite crawling yet but he does scoot or roll to get to where he wants. Two little teeth have popped up on the bottom front and he is eating a little solids but I think more for fun than for necessity. It was a princess year for Bailey and a dress-up theme for both her and Xander. I made them matching capes and added the necessary accessories for superhero/knight/fairy/princess -hood. The kids played well but we did have to separate them for down time every now and then because they'd get on each other's nerves. We did have one little scare with Xander. He was napping in Bailey's room when we heard some gagging noises. At first we thought it was from all his nose drainage but further investigation revealed that he possibly swallowed a plastic play earring of Bailey's. One half was wet on the floor, the other half missing. He may have thought it was candy since it was pretty dark in the room. We never did get the story from him so the mystery remains, but it doesn't matter, we are just happy Xander is fine.
I have to thank all our friends and family for their gifts. Everyone was so right-on with the choices. Bailey got everything she wanted except snow. I got enough great reads to last me all year. Erik and Kristy's gift to us was a night out without the kids, and boy did we need it! We went to see the new movie Avatar, which was one of the best movies I'd ever seen. It's hard to go on dates when babysitters are so expensive on top of going out prices. Jeremy's gift to me was a Karaoke Wii game with microphone, which has been entertaining the whole family and our friends since. I also got a mountain bike which will be very useful for me to shed the holiday pounds, as soon as the weather gets above freezing. My favorite gift from Jeremy is the two weeks of time he took off from work to spend with us.
Now Jeremy is back at work, Bailey is ready to go back to play-school, and I'm ready for her to go back too. I'm also ready to loose some weight. Now that Foster is almost 6 months old, I can get him flu shots and take him to the gym with me. I'm also looking into getting a part-time job at the base since Foster will be old enough for childcare. My plan for this spring is to:
Loose at least 10 lbs.
Get Bailey into Swim Lessons again
Get Bailey into Dance or Tumbling
Run a 5k and maybe a 10K
Get a part-time job if we don't get orders first
Make a visit to Destin
Eat more veggies and less sweets
Drink less Beer (damn you Jeremy and your homemade brew)
Don't take myself so seriously
Have more adventures!
I'm also working on the family DVD with all the little videos we took all year. I hope to be done by the end of this week. Then I can finally get those out to our family along with the Christmas cards. Yeah! So much to do and with the baby's needs growing, it's only going to get busier. Now, where's my coffee?