Thursday, February 25, 2010

I know... another throw-up post

Bailey threw-up this morning. It all started around 4:45 a.m. when Jeremy was up taking his shower. After she made a mess in her bed, which was very small, I brought her in my bed hoping she would go back to sleep, but no. She stayed awake wiggling around as usual. Then she threw-up all over my bed and me. Yuck! I really don't handle throw-up very well. I rarely throw-up myself and I've been lucky enough to never have dealt with Bailey's before. When I see it, hear it, smell it, it makes me gag and I have to do breathing exercises in order to keep my stomach from turning. I know it's a requirement to deal with these disgusting bodily functions when you are a parent, and I have dealt with my share of spit-up. But every parent knows, spit-up and throw-up are two different things. Bailey feels fine though; I don't think she has a virus. It's probably due to the drainage from her allergies.

Foster's two front top teeth are now poking through. He now has four teeth and he likes to grind them together which drives me crazy. He teethes so fast that he'll only have a day of pain and crankiness and the next day the teeth will show. Got lucky with that one. He's crawling all over the place and getting into everything he can reach. I have to chase him and redirect him constantly. Something I never had to do with Bailey (spud). Fascinated with Koa's water bowl, he's constantly dumping it over and soaking himself. He can't quite pull himself up to standing yet but he's almost there. He loves being near his sister and will follow her to what ever room she's in. Foster also loves toys and he'll even laugh or giggle at himself when playing with them. I'm just glad he can entertain himself easily. Foster has become Bailey's new toy and they do play well together, even alone sometimes, if I can keep her from taking all the toys away from him. I love how she says "I love my baby!" She's so proud to be a big sister, but she's already taken to bossing him around. I have to remind her that I'm the Mommy not her. Now that she's becoming a pre-schooler I've been trying to find ways to give her more responsibility around the house. She helps me cook (mixing and such), put dishes away, clothes away, and will even pick up Foster's messes. I know this won't last forever so I'm taking advantage of her helpfulness while I can. My only wish right now is that it warms up so we can spend more time outside. It's been so cold for so long. Okay I have two wishes; the other being that this battle with our insurance resolve so we can get on with the repairs to our house. I'm tired of our bedroom and hallway looking like a demolition site.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

White Powder

Okay, could the past two weeks get any more bizarre? I'm sure it could be worse, it can always be worse. After we finally got our new water heater installed we very excitedly used it by taking showers and washing clothes only to find more water pooling up in the bedroom the very next morning. I had to call the plumber back who realized that we had a slab leak. Evidently the pipes under our house have sprung leaks and all the plumbing in our house needed to be rerouted. Of course I called our insurance, who wasn't interested in getting a hold of me back very quickly, who called a restoration specialist out to start the drying process. While trying to communicate with our insurance man, trying to get a quote from our first plumber, and getting an estimate from a second plumber, our restoration company is pulling up our flooring, tearing up a wall, and plugging in 4 dryers and two dehumidifiers. For days we had to endure the noise from these machines which literally will drive you slowly insane. It must have drove Jeremy insane because he was even willing to go to the park with me and the kids. I know, crazy right?!

Then the snow came. Yes, I said snow. This one will go down in the record books for sure. Friday night it started snowing, and it snowed enough before Bailey went to bed that we went outside and had a snowball fight, followed by hot chocolate. I didn't think it would last the night but I was wrong. We woke up to a winter wonderland! Three to four inches of powdery white snow covered the whole neighborhood. It really felt like a miracle. Part of what made this all feel so magical was Bailey's Christmas wish. When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas she said "snow." I told her that I didn't think it was going to be possible. Well it looks like Santa came through, he was just a little late, but he came through. Joy!

Then the plumbers came. They dug up our yard, cut at least 10 holes in our drywall, and a foot accidentally fell through our ceiling, but it's finally done. Our house looks like a total wreck and the beautiful guest bathroom walls with the faux paint is ruined. With the amount of instillation, dry wall, and dirt on the floors, poor Foster has been banished to his room most the time. His room being the only room not effected, yet. Now we still need the wall patches to be painted, all of our floors ripped up (except the tile), and new flooring put in. To top off this craziness, Jeremy is having a surgical procedure to reroute his "plumbing" on Friday. So I can forget getting a break or even getting help when it comes to the house and the Menglings this weekend. I'm not bitter.... really. At least I don't have to worry about us repopulating the earth anymore.
As the dry wall dust is settling all over the house, and in my eyes, I ponder the future of our restoration process. "What will our new floors look like? We finally get a chance to re-carpet the bedrooms. I hope the kids and the dog don't ruin it before we move. I don't think I'll clean the house until all this is done with. Will they be able to repaint the bathroom the way it was? I can't even remember the name of the color. It is going to be such a pain when they have to move all the furniture around. Will I have to be here, alone, with the kids, again?" All of these thoughts are leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Or that could just be the dry wall dust.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Last weekend I took a little mini-vacation away from the family and flew to Miami to see my friend Sam. No, I didn't know the Superbowl was going to be there that weekend. American Airlines started non-stop flights to Miami just this last fall and I used my credit card points to buy the ticket, so getting there was a breeze. Jeremy took over kid and house duty while I had a little adult fun. There's nothing like a little all night dancing and drinking to make you realize how old you've gotten. I don't mean just age either. Having children and no babysitter or family to help can age you a few years too. I still woke up by 8 a.m. because of habit, but at least I got to just lay there in her snugly, quiet bed. I have to say, though dancing and kicking ass at playing pool was fun, my highlight was all the great food. Sam took me to eat Peruvian, Caribbean, and Cuban food. Not only was it some of the best food I've ever eaten, but I got to slowly enjoy it without the distractions of my own children. These places were cheap too, and thank god for Sam who spoke Spanish and could order for us, because I had no clue. We spent the day in South Beach on Friday. The driving there was absolute culture shock. People drove with no road rules, everyone honking and driving over all lanes. The pedestrians were just as bad. We almost hit an old man with a walker crossing the middle of the street, in the middle of crazy traffic. He didn't even pause. Just walked right into the street (not at a crosswalk). Saturday we spent most of the day visiting with Sam's friends and family who I haven't seen in a long time. It was such a nice visit that I was sad to go but also ready to hug my kids again. I made it home just in time to watch the Superbowl on T.V.
Of course life isn't without balance, so when I got home I was faced to deal with a broken water heater. By Monday water had soaked our bedroom and closet floor. Between being on the phone with the water heater people, the plumber, and our laundry room door falling on Bailey, I managed to loose the water heater manual. For some reason the company seemed to think I could diagnose this issue on my own. I never got the instructions they said they would e-mail, and I had to knock out more drywall to get the screw driver in to take off the electric panels, only to find out I can just shut off the breaker instead. We are now going on day 2 without hot water and I haven't showered since Sunday morning. Eww! As soon as Jeremy gets home I'm going to the YMCA to workout and shower. I never did find that manual that I did have in my hand for an hour before I lost it. Jeremy and I traced every step I took around the house with no luck. It's so bizarre and it absolutely is driving me insane! It can't just disappear! Doesn't matter now. Plumber dude is going to have to replace it anyway even though it's only three years old (still under warranty thank god). We should have a new one by tomorrow. Should. Back to old school boiling water for the dishes and Foster's bath. Foster was so cute bathing in the kitchen sink. At least we will save a little on our water bill.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Invasion of the Toy Snatchers

Now that Foster is mobile it is time for me to start child proofing more areas of the house. Yesterday I took out all of the non-safe-to-baby toys out of the playroom and put them in Bailey's room. I also bought a few containers for her smaller choke hazard toys (jewelry and Barbie accessories) so that she could find these things easier. Now the playroom has more to offer for Foster, so today I decided to let him try it out. I put Bailey in the kitchen with her lunch while I observed Foster discover a whole new world. He went straight away pulling new and exciting toys out of buckets, tasting each one for authenticity, deciding their fate of chewablity. As Foster conquered his new world the natives grew restless. Bailey, envisioning the ruin of her beloved things, came rushing in to see for herself. "I need to give you a kiss, Mommy." I allow this excuse but send her right back to the kitchen. She quickly discovered the toys in Fosters clutches and worry overcame her. Instinct told her to quickly snatch the toy to safety. Her beloved baby brother was no longer cute and fun. He is officially a grabby, drooly, toy eating monster. "Mommy, he's eating it!" I always knew this day would come, but I also know that it's only going to get more complicated the older Foster gets. Pretty soon he will be storming Bailey's room and trying on all her jewelry and princess clothes. Then again Bailey might not mind having a playmate that likes to be a princess too. Bailey has NEVER taken much interest in her toys, ever. She prefers to spend her time following me around, forcing me to listen to her endless chatter. Unless of course someone else wants to play with her toys, then she's interested. Or maybe more concerned that they will have more fun with them. This can be good and bad. Now that Foster is playing with the toys, Bailey will play "with" him. But more like take all the toys from him and play with them in front of his face. It's a process. At least she's paying attention to the toys... and Foster. Pretty soon Foster will be able to snatch back and that's when the real fun begins. This vision of the future makes me even more motivated to find a pre-school for Bailey this fall. They will need space apart, and so will I. Jeremy and I have also talked about the room arrangement for the kids once Foster starts walking. I don't think they will be able to share a room. Not if I want them to get any sleep and for me to keep my sanity. I guess Foster will just have to keep sharing his room with all our office stuff. Unless he is able to climb out of his crib before we move. Then I might have to rearrange the whole house. Someday, probably around 2 years old, he'll need his own room with all his own boy toys. We should be in a new house by then, and I'll have to give up my guest room/office/craft room. That's okay with me as long as I can separate the kids and say, "Go to your room and stay there! You will have fun and play with your own toys! Mommy needs a time out."