Thursday, February 25, 2010

I know... another throw-up post

Bailey threw-up this morning. It all started around 4:45 a.m. when Jeremy was up taking his shower. After she made a mess in her bed, which was very small, I brought her in my bed hoping she would go back to sleep, but no. She stayed awake wiggling around as usual. Then she threw-up all over my bed and me. Yuck! I really don't handle throw-up very well. I rarely throw-up myself and I've been lucky enough to never have dealt with Bailey's before. When I see it, hear it, smell it, it makes me gag and I have to do breathing exercises in order to keep my stomach from turning. I know it's a requirement to deal with these disgusting bodily functions when you are a parent, and I have dealt with my share of spit-up. But every parent knows, spit-up and throw-up are two different things. Bailey feels fine though; I don't think she has a virus. It's probably due to the drainage from her allergies.

Foster's two front top teeth are now poking through. He now has four teeth and he likes to grind them together which drives me crazy. He teethes so fast that he'll only have a day of pain and crankiness and the next day the teeth will show. Got lucky with that one. He's crawling all over the place and getting into everything he can reach. I have to chase him and redirect him constantly. Something I never had to do with Bailey (spud). Fascinated with Koa's water bowl, he's constantly dumping it over and soaking himself. He can't quite pull himself up to standing yet but he's almost there. He loves being near his sister and will follow her to what ever room she's in. Foster also loves toys and he'll even laugh or giggle at himself when playing with them. I'm just glad he can entertain himself easily. Foster has become Bailey's new toy and they do play well together, even alone sometimes, if I can keep her from taking all the toys away from him. I love how she says "I love my baby!" She's so proud to be a big sister, but she's already taken to bossing him around. I have to remind her that I'm the Mommy not her. Now that she's becoming a pre-schooler I've been trying to find ways to give her more responsibility around the house. She helps me cook (mixing and such), put dishes away, clothes away, and will even pick up Foster's messes. I know this won't last forever so I'm taking advantage of her helpfulness while I can. My only wish right now is that it warms up so we can spend more time outside. It's been so cold for so long. Okay I have two wishes; the other being that this battle with our insurance resolve so we can get on with the repairs to our house. I'm tired of our bedroom and hallway looking like a demolition site.


  1. Good luck with the insurance!! We are going through the exact thing (of course) with remembering who's the mommy and daddy around here! Xander said he was giving me presents today but somehow they were all Nick's toys. I bought Nick a little toy vehicle today since Xander is reluctant to share his, and guess who tried to monopolize the thing all day?
