Thursday, August 19, 2010


Why is it that every time I buy something for Bailey, Foster ends up taking it over? I bought Bailey a pair of Tinkerbell pom pom slippers, she's going to be Tinkerbell for Halloween, and Foster snatched them right up to wear on his hands and crawl on the floor with. In fact he does that with all of our shoes. He loves to put them on his hands, no matter what size, and then walk on his hands. Bailey doesn't seem to mind though. She has just as much a fascination with his toys. They might as well trade completely. I don't know what these toy makers were thinking when they decided on the audience for each toy, but from my point of view they got it all wrong.

Bailey and Foster couldn't be more brother-sister right now. He loves to pull wads of her hair out. She loves to make him laugh. And they both love squealing and rolling all over each other. Bailey has turned out to be more patient than I could imagine, especially when Foster is clawing at her eyes and face. The only thing she can't stand is when he's getting more attention or more snack than her. I have had them sleeping in the same room together but last night I let Bailey sleep in the guest bedroom. Foster has been getting up around 5:30 a.m. and Bailey has been lacking in sleep. She usually needs a good 11 hours a night. Foster seems to only need about 9 hours. I'm trying to cut back on his naps to only one 2 hour nap a day. Hopefully that will help.

As far as living here on base, the kids and I couldn't be happier. They have made so many friends. With two kids (ages 4 and 6) next door, a 4 year old girl two doors down, and a multitude of kids on our circle, there isn't a lack of playmates. I take the kids to a playdate once a week at our community center, but most of the time we just go outside, sit in the driveway with the garage open and the music playing and the kids just flock to our house. Most of the kids here have free rein to the neighborhood but I can't quite trust Bailey to do the same. She's not familiar with her surroundings just yet or with listening to my directions to stay in the yard no matter where the other kids are going. She's a crowd follower. She thinks everyone would be pleased to have her tag along. Of course she's finding out real quick that most boys only two years older than her find 4 year old girls to be uncool. I'm making lots of friends too. I've made more friends here in 4 weeks than I did in 4 years at Charleston. It's a good thing too because Jeremy is going to be TDY a lot from now until Thanksgiving. The only thing to do now is find a great babysitter for the kids so Jeremy and I can have our playdates.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for all these great consequences of the move! You know, Xander did that thing with shoes on his hands. He couldn't "be a dog" without Daddy's shoes on his hands, crawling on all fours. Don't ask me why a dog needs shoes, and also why it only needs them on the front two legs. That was around two years old, though. I think Foster is advanced. I bet cutting back on his naps will help. Isn't it amazing how much 4-year-olds love baby and toddler toys? Or is it just the ones with younger siblings? Bailey is an amazing older sister.

    We miss you!
