Sunday, January 23, 2011
Job Hunt
The hunt is on for a job. Lately the kids have been driving me insane and I told Jeremy that I can't wait until Bailey starts school to look for a job. I need a job now. Jeremy is very supportive of this decision because he's tired of seeing me so miserable anyway. I've already met with a counselor on base who is helping me spice up my resume and giving me advice. Unfortunately there isn't much around here in the fields I want to work in. Most of the jobs being offered are in the I.T. or medical fields. But if I can just get in the federal system starting with anything then I can move to something more interesting when it becomes available. Though I don't want to work directly with kids again, I might have to for a little while. Kinda defeats the purpose of leaving my kids to go work, but if that's what it takes then so be it. I love my kids. I just don't want to spend every minute of my day with them. To be fair I think I annoy my kids as much as they annoy me. So hopefully I will be a working women within the next few months, and my kids' days will be filled with exciting activities and new friends. Until then my kids will just have to deal with me.
Monday, January 10, 2011
At War with Mice
So we discovered a mouse reeking havoc with our guests back in November when Jeremy's family came for Thanksgiving. Housing maintenance came and placed sticky glue traps around the house but the mouse was too smart and just maneuvered around them. Useless. I finally bought the old fashion snap traps at the recommendation of the ACE employee and within two hours of setting we caught the mouse. Summer sausage seems to do the trick. Well then last week I heard a rattling noise coming from the pantry while watching a movie. I said "Jeremy, something is in the pantry, come get it." Of course it was another mouse. We set our trap again with more sausage and the next morning checked for carnage. Meat gone and no mouse. We tried again the next night and again the mouse outsmarted the trap. Then I put peanut butter on the trap to stick the sausage to it. Poor mouse never had a chance.
But that's not the end. This morning I discovered yet another mouse! They seem to be coming from behind the oven. Maybe the gas line? I don't know, it's driving me crazy. Most of our food is on lock down in the fridge. I'm constantly cleaning the kitchen and Koa doesn't let any food be left behind on the floors. I don't get it. Wish I could rent a cat.
Monday, January 3, 2011
It's a New Year

It's a new year and for a lot of people it's time for resolutions. I asked several people what their new year's resolutions are and I got the same answer, "My resolution is to not make any resolutions this year." At first I thought, "Wow, there is nothing you want to do or change about yourself." Then again, I guess you don't need a new year to start change.
The last few years I've tried to keep mine obtainable so as not to disappoint myself. Getting in shape is always at the top of my list but that is something I'm always striving for year around. It's just that I always get out of shape around the holidays so January is a good time to get back into good habits again. Now for me resolutions are more about inner change anyway. It forces me to really face what I don't like about myself. I use to promise myself to paint more, write more, smoke and drink less, or take more walks outside, but life always seems to get in the way (mainly kids or husband's T.D.Y's). I use to think that I would grow stronger to temptation as I got older but I've found just the opposite. Maybe because there is more stress in my life now, I give in to the comfortable even when I know it's not good for me. Hey, everyone has their excuses.
There are always going to be things I want to change for the better in the coming year. We could all use new beginnings; it gives us hope and motivation to keep trying. Why not let the "New Year" be the time to start? Here are five that I'd like to share:
1. Find more happiness in the mundane (well at least more content).
2. Find more humor in the kids' daily annoyances.
3. Bring more intellectual challenges to my life.
4. Find the self-confidence to take on a challenging career in whatever I choose.
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