Monday, January 10, 2011

At War with Mice

So we discovered a mouse reeking havoc with our guests back in November when Jeremy's family came for Thanksgiving. Housing maintenance came and placed sticky glue traps around the house but the mouse was too smart and just maneuvered around them. Useless. I finally bought the old fashion snap traps at the recommendation of the ACE employee and within two hours of setting we caught the mouse. Summer sausage seems to do the trick. Well then last week I heard a rattling noise coming from the pantry while watching a movie. I said "Jeremy, something is in the pantry, come get it." Of course it was another mouse. We set our trap again with more sausage and the next morning checked for carnage. Meat gone and no mouse. We tried again the next night and again the mouse outsmarted the trap. Then I put peanut butter on the trap to stick the sausage to it. Poor mouse never had a chance.

But that's not the end. This morning I discovered yet another mouse! They seem to be coming from behind the oven. Maybe the gas line? I don't know, it's driving me crazy. Most of our food is on lock down in the fridge. I'm constantly cleaning the kitchen and Koa doesn't let any food be left behind on the floors. I don't get it. Wish I could rent a cat.

1 comment:

  1. We had this situation with rats last year! And a little bit this year! I ended up duct-taping a big hole over our behind-the-oven outlet but I don't know how safe that is. People say to stuff places like that with steel wool. We apparently have a place in our laundry room wall-ceiling join where they can get in. It's maddening when you're working so hard to deal with the situation. :(
