Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Awesome Snow Weekend

Last weekend was a lot of fun. The real sticky snow came on Saturday and it was so warm out you really didn't need a jacket. We had a huge snowball fight with our neighbors and their kids. Then we build our first snow man. It was massive; taller than me. But the kids destroyed it within an hour. The huge bottom base is still in the backyard though. That evening the men went out and us wives cooked practice red velvet cakes from scratch. The first one tasted so bad we had to throw it away. The second tasted okay but still fell flat. I always wondered why my baking wasn't working out lately. Thought maybe I'm just a lousy baker. After a lot of research I found out all the adjustments I had to make when baking in high altitude. More flour, more liquid, less baking powder/soda, less sugar, and higher cooking temp. It's a little crazy. Then we played with fondant icing for two hours. It was fun. Last night we made another cake with our adjustments and it finally came out fluffy. This Saturday I'll have to make the final cake for the poker-birthday party. But I bought some boxed stuff just in case.

Sunday I shoveled more snow but I didn't mind because we have this huge snow shovel that's more like a plow, since Jeremy already broke our first snow shovel. Of course there was more snowball fights and hot chocolate afterward with rainbow marshmallows. We tried putting the kids on my snowboard and pulling them around but the board was too narrow and they kept falling off. Foster screamed and cried when I put it away. He loves to ride "weeeee!" We really need a sled. I never thought I (or the kids) would love the snow so much. Then we went to a Superbowl party at a friend's house. I spent a couple of hours chasing Foster up and down their three level house. By half time I just wanted to go home and actually watch the game. So we did and it was a boring game anyway. Or maybe I was just too tired to care. Wheww!

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